University of Washington Alumni Association Japan
Once a Husky, always a Husky.
ワシントン大学 日本校友会
ワシントン大学日本校友会 (UWAAJ) のWebサイトです。
News & Events
Follow us on Facebook or check the News page for upcoming events and the latest UW related news. We will send event information to your registered email address as well.
About Us
The University of Washington Alumni Association Japan (UWAAJ), established in the 1960’s, is considered one of the oldest UW alumni associations in Asia. Since its inception more than 60 years ago, UWAAJ has evolved into an organization that connects not only University of Washington graduates in Japan, but also anyone who has touched on the Husky experience. It is founded under the Husky spirit of “strength, purity and grace” and “to preserve the memory of our devotion” to the school.
But most importantly we are here to foster companionship and to just plain old “have fun”!
Go Huskies!
Our Mission
To support Huskies in Japan, fostering an active network, inspiring lifelong learning, and encouraging a culture of philanthropy.
Why Join Us
-Connect with fellow Japan Huskies.
-Get in touch with lost friends.
-Find out about events, and enjoy exclusive updates.
Fast Fact
>1000 Members
We currently have over 1,000 members on our contact list. They include undergraduate and graduate degree holders who mostly reside in Japan. We also welcome anyone who studied at the UW even for a short period of time, including those on exchange programs from other universities.
18~80+ Range of Generations
We connect a wide range of generations from those who traveled to Seattle by sea to those who just graduated from UW and jetted back.
50+ Events
We have held more than 50 events. In addition to the three annual events (Send-off, Youth Event, Annual Gathering), we also held public viewing of Husky football games and UW Converge Tokyo in 2018.
発足から今までに同窓会を含む50以上のイベントを開催しています。毎年行われる3つの定期イベントの他にも、UW Converge Tokyo(2018年)やフットボール観戦イベントも開催しました。
Contact Us
For registration and other inquiries, please contact us at the following email address.